Group booking application

查詢電話:+853 8795 7394 電子郵件﹕


  1. 請於參觀日期前兩星期至三個月內申請。

  2. 如預約確認後本館會回郵確認表格,請出示表格之電子檔或申請編號並於參觀當日到科學館售票處繳費取票。

  3. 繳費方法:參觀當日到售票處現場付款;倘以支票付款應提前七個工作日向澳門孫逸仙大馬路澳門科學館財務部收提交支票,支票抬頭為「澳門科學館股份有限公司」。

  4. 請注意,任何取消或修改必須提前48小時前通知取消或更正參觀人數,否則當天不接納修改並按原訂人數收費。

  5. 若懸掛三號或以上熱帶氣旋信號,科學館有權按實際情況及因安全理由關閉場館。若於原定參觀時間前兩小時本澳已發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋信號,有關的參觀安排將被取消。

  6. 申請人如需更改已提交的申請,必須先取消原有的申請後再重新填妥表格。

  7. 個人資料(私隱)收集聲明: 閣下於表格內所提供的個人資料只作處理申請及查詢之用。

  8. 「為加強學生在參觀時學習科學知識,科學館設計了展覽工作紙,歡迎老師自行下載,或可在預約參觀時要求我們提供。」

  9. 澳門科學館門票及優惠表購票指南資訊

*Booking organisation
*Institution Name
*Contact person name
*Contact person position
*Telephone Mobile
*Exhibition Center
drama, demonstration or dramatic guided tour
dramatic guided tour(If applicable)
Programme name Other


*Fee-based Special Exhibition



Programme name
Program details
Do you need a disabled seat
(If necessary, please comment on "other requirements")
If you are booking the entire space(60people)
please choose programme language
If you need to watch more than one astronomical program, please indicate in 「Other Requirements」
Please gather in the lobby of the planetarium 10 minutes before the opening
Planetarium can accept up to 127 people to make an appointment
*Science museum children world
Due to the fact that the 「Children World」 of the Macao Science Museum does not accept group reservation applications for 「Children World」 on Saturdays, Sundays, closing days (Thursdays), public holidays and summer holidays (July and August)
*Disclaimer: I (including applicants and participants) understand and accept the potential risks of using the "Science Museum Children World" facilities. I declare that I will take full responsibility for the safety of users and abide by the "Codes of Use". If any accident or casualties occur due to the use of facilities in the area, I (including applicants and participants) will bear all the responsibilities of my own.
*Having read and agreed to the above statement:
Label: On Saturdays, Sundays, Rest Sundays (Thursdays), Macao Public Holidays and Summer Holidays (July and August), "Children World of Science Museum" does not accept reservations;
Each adult may escort up to two children into the arena;
Entrants are required to wear socks and socks can be purchased on the spot;
The Macao Science Museum reserves the right to decide whether to accept the application or not;
For other related data, please refer to the connection;
1. The number of people must be more than 20 people
2. Only for point-to-point pick-up service
3.Vehicle pick-up service is available only to social welfare organizations registered in our library.
Other requirements
official letter(If applicable) [jpg,png,jpeg,doc,docx,rtf] Upload